Quakerism has always been an experimental religion: a quest for truth and for a faith that is valid for living in the world. Religion, Quakers believe, starts with a response to the Divine - including the divine within all persons - as a result of which each person finds an individual understanding of Christianity without needing to make a formal statement.
Because truth is a constantly unfolding revelation, Quakers have always attached great importance to the human search for knowledge and to education in its widest sense.
Every Quaker Meeting is an experiment. Its worship is based on silence - not a passive silence, but a "waiting" on God, an endeavour to reach some small measure of unity with the Divine. In the silence anyone may speak. Each of those present takes an active part in the Meeting, whether by speaking or remaining silent.
From the belief in something of the Divine within everyone, and from the sense of personal responsibility in worship, springs the Quaker emphasis on relief work, international reconciliation, commercial integrity, and social justice.
If you feel in sympathy with this approach to religion, you may like to know more. There is a Meeting for Worship taking place in Calgary every Sunday. Everyone is welcome.